It’s time to mobilise!

Please join us and to stand for a future without climate chaos and the risk of oil washing on our beaches



Climate Voter has been a great success. Over 60 thousand have now joined the movement to raise the greatest challenge of our time up the political agenda in New Zealand.

We now need to translate those people online into people on the street – and three great opportunities are upon us:

1.VOTE!! The biggest democratic mobilisation in the country happens every three years and your best chance to be part of it is this Saturday 20th Sept at a polling booth near you. Even if you’re not enrolled yet it’s not too late to join the vote.

2. PEOPLE’S CLIMATE MARCH: The very next day on Sunday 21st Sept (no matter what the outcome of the election) people are taking to the streets around the world in a global mobilisation for climate action. And right here in New Zealand there are numerous events planned. Find something near you here.

3. HIKOI TO STOP DEEP SEA OIL: Then, if you’re in Northland one week later a Hikoi from the tail of the fish is heading down to Auckland to protest the Petroleum Industry conference and say No to Deep Sea Oil drilling in our precious waters (Waiho Papa Moana). And, Oil Free Auckland is organising a march to join them on the last leg up Queen Street.

Please join us and fellow New Zealanders to stand for a future without climate chaos and the risk of oil washing on our beaches.

And finally, a very special thanks to all who helped fund our High Court defence of Climate Voter. The result was a Judgment that ‘accepted our core legal arguments and affirmed the right to non-partisan advocacy’. The actual Judgment was long and complicated and we can’t claim an outright win but, with some minor adjustments, Climate Voter is still standing strong!

– Nick and the whole crew at Greenpeace

PS If you have not signed on to Climate Voter then you can still do it instantly here.

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